Wednesday, 1 July 2015

About Me

Hi Folks,

I am a Singaporean, aged 53 years old. For the past 28 years, I am an Engineer in the Plastic and Sheet Metal precision engineering industry. I have never driven a 12M long bus before. Graduated in Engineering studies in 1985; and having worked with various renowned MNC and local public listed companies in Singapore, I was recently been awarded the status of Associate Asean Engineer (AAE). In 2013, I have achieved my life-long goal of financial freedom at the age of 50, and is now living a mortgage and debt-free life.

More about myself

Before becoming a bus driver, I use to played an important role in providing technical consultancy, mentoring and training to Design, Costing and Quality colleagues. Having exposed with various consumer electronic products has come in handy during the initial start-up of a Dutch MNC for R&D deployment in the Far East in 6/2008, in Singapore. Back then I was the 1st employed R&D specialist engineer for that department, ah…..the good old days.  

Recalling, My most recent professional contribution to the corporate fraternity is that of serving as a Plaintiff Independent Technical Expert Witness, in relation to Suit No. 691 of 2011/A, in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Singapore. The intensity of Court proceeding in March 2013 was so humbling to me that it served as a career turning point. One day, I just decided to take a break from all this engineering specialized practice, and now a LTA vocational licensed Public Bus Captain. So this is my Life Story.

My hobbies included Sports & reading up on financial news and is happily married to a great wife and a proud father of 2 sons, aged 26 & 23.


  1. Congratulations Kam Wah! With luck I may get to ride on your bus sometime soon.

    1. hi Andy,

      Glad to have known you since 2004. You have been my Boss and Mentor.

      A bus trip from Woodlands Interchange to Changi is current only less than SGD3/-. But the catch is that you may have to travel for about 90mins one way.
      yes, I am also hopeful to be of service to you (drive you lah). Welcome aboard Svc 858.

  2. Happy 4th Of July, Kam Wah!

  3. Hi uncle kam!tiffany and i are very happy to got a chance to be your friend thru the 904 bua service=) we wish u all the luck for your next service.takecare!

    1. hi Sheena and Tiffany,

      Glad to serve you on Svc 904 for the past 6 months.
      Next week, I will be on my 3rd Service Route of 858 from WRI to Changi T1, T2 and T3.

      I think I can see a bright future for Tiffany,given her pre-school age, her vocab is par excellence.

    2. Goodevening uncle kam!do you think so?hahaha thank will miss u!thank you for being nice and friendly to us hoping that new buss captain is nice and friendly like you guys.hope to see you soon.takecare always.god bless you and you family

  4. Kam Wah, Here's The Link To My FB page.
