Tuesday, 25 August 2015

GE 2015, is Opposition Parties Ready for a good spar with PAP?

( I wore this authorization badge in GE2011 for an Opposition Party)

In my view, in this current state of affair of the various opposition parties here in Singapore, the answer is  NO.

Why I said so?

With reference to ST Opinion, date 4/4/2015 on the article entitled “The Emotional Commitment that Mr.Lee Inspired” by David Chan; towards the end of this opinion article; there is a topic on “What’s Next” for Singapore after the passing away of Bapa Singapura, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew; and on a particular paragraph; I find it worthwhile and interesting to re-quote and comment for the opposition parties to take heal, it run thus:

“But Singapore’s continued success is not a given or guaranteed.
The Country needs leaders who are capable to lead the Country, trustworthy, citizen-centric with a global outlook..
Leaders who ensure that the fundamental of economics and foreign relation are well taken care off”.

Upon reflecting on the said qualities and attributes above, my remarks and comments for the current state of affair of the opposition parties will be:

Capable to lead the Country – still do not have any opportunity to do so at National Level
Trustworthy – at best “smoking-gun”, on what I so far can understand from the AHPTEC saga
Citizen-Centric – not demonstrated on a large scale. Perhaps, person-to-person within its electoral boundary ward, yes
Foreign Relation – Null, it would be disaster for Singapore, if Opposition Parties took the majority in the coming Parliament.

Even though, in 2000 to 2004, I have done community service as Marsiling RC Secretary, I am no running dog for PAP; and certainly, Neither a running puppy for opposition party. To me, it is another form of National Service. In GE2011, I volunteered and served both as an Election Agent and Counting Agent for an opposition parties. I took an unprecedented 9 days of annual leave for that.

This time round, since I am now working in the public transport industry, I do not have much annual leave days to spare to do some quasi national service as election agent. If the reader so wishes to be part of the modern history of Singapore, and you have the time to spare from 1/9/2015 to 11/9/2015, I urge you to volunteer to be either an election agent or counting agent. Walking the ground and visiting the HDB blocks door by door is very tiring and exhausting. As a counting agent, you will get all the excitement of how the ballot paper is been counted and tally. Enjoy it.

So for GE2015, My wish is that all the opposition parties here to forget and forgive their petty difference, and truly form a credible opposition front to give the PAP’s election candidate an honourable fight.

I believe PAP’s MP candidate itself is also looking forward to it and I re-quote:
A quote from Veteran PAP’s Politician Mr. Charles Chong, “We must give Voters a credible choice”

Good luck and Success to all contesting GE2015 candidates.

Majulah Singapura.

1 comment:

  1. Slow Painful Advance Made By Oppositions, But It Is A Long & Winding Road With Lots Of Potholes In Politiking! I Have Yet To See Any Formidable Opposition Member Or Party. Yes, Mr Low Thia Khiang Top Scored In Attendance At Parliament Businesses, But, A Genuine Full-time Strong Team Is Needed To Create A Positive Impact. It Is Not A Hobby For Part-timers, Remember.
